GT2056v Navara Turbocharger
There are 2 different GT2056v Navara Turbocharger available for the YD25 / YD25DDTi 2.5L D40 Nissan Navara.
Below we will show you a quick way to check which one you have, and hence require as a replacement.
The BEST way is to check the ID tag or ID plate to determine the OEM (Original End Manufacturer) Part Number.
And the OEM Part Number is required as the Turbo Model (GT2056v – GT = designated Garrett), is the same for both the 2 different turbochargers.
Look for the ID plate on the compressor housing side of the turbo charger (where the air goes in and out of the turbo).
It is likely you will need to remove oil & grease to make this easier to read.
The part number you will be looking for starts in 14411-“????” and / or 76????-????
OEM Part Number for 4 Bolt Flange Turbo:
767720-0001 / -0002 / -0003 / -0004 / -0004S / -5004S
769708-0001 / -0002 / -0003 / -0004 / 0004S / 5004S
If the OEM Part number is any of the ABOVE, then please click for the correct GT2056v EB70 turbochargers to fit.
If the OEM Part number is any of the BELOW, then please Click Here for the GT2056v EB300 turbochargers for your vehicle.
OEM Part Number for 3 Bolt Flange Turbo:
If the turbocharger is still on vehicle it may be too hard to check the above part numbers (usually this is the case due to position of turbo installation), then check the below:
A) Does your turbocharger have a 4 Bolt pattern / flange on the turbine side of the turbo (MANIFOLD (NOT exhaust dump))?
OR if you cannot access the flange to view the bolt pattern, is it SPANISH built (VIN starting with: VSK)?
It will look like the picture to the right.
If so, you can find the direct replacement GT2506v EB70 turbocharger HERE.
B) Does your turbocharger have a 3 Bolt Triangle-shaped pattern / flange on the turbine side of the turbo (MANIFOLD (NOT exhaust dump))?
OR if you cannot access the flange to view the bolt pattern, is it MEXICAN built and/or vehicle built (MY Date) between 2005 & 2007?
Then it should look like the picture to the right.
If so, find the correct replacement GT2056v EB300 Navara Turbocharger here.
If you have any other query on matching turbo parts for your vehicle, please feel free to contact our sales support on: 0490 059 316.